Hi Folks,

I'm pleased to announce that our 0th release candidate for Builds v0.13.0 is ready! You can preview our next release by running the following:

$   kubectl apply --filename https://github.com/shipwright-io/build/releases/download/v0.13.0-rc0/release.yaml --server-side

 $  curl --silent --location https://raw.githubusercontent.com/shipwright-io/build/v0.13.0-rc0/hack/setup-webhook-cert.sh | bash

Please "kick the tires" on this release! If you encounter any issues, feel free to file a bug report on GitHub or contact the maintainers on Slack.




Adam Kaplan


Principal Software Engineer

Red Hat

100 E. Davie Street

adam.kaplan@redhat.com    T: 1-919-754-4843