On behalf of the Shipwright community, I'm pleased to announce that we are participating in this year's Hacktoberfest celebration [1][2]. During October, developers all over the world will be encouraged to contribute to participating open source projects. We have added the build, cli, operator, and website repos to the participating projects.

I have created a GitHub project where Hacktoberfest issues and PRs can be tracked [3]. To help keep things up to date, I ask that pull request reviewers do the following:

1. Add the "hacktoberfest" label when a pull request is submitted.
2. Add the "hacktoberfest-accepted" label when a pull request is approved for merge (i.e. has `approved` and `lgtm` labels).


[1] https://shipwright.io/blog/2022/09/28/hacktoberfest-2022/
[2] https://hacktoberfest.com/
[3] https://github.com/orgs/shipwright-io/projects/4/views/1


Adam Kaplan


Principal Software Engineer

Red Hat

100 E. Davie Street

adam.kaplan@redhat.com    T: 1-919-754-4843