During today's grooming call, we agreed that the time is right to cut another release. Pull requests marked with the "release-v0.6.0" are considered blockers for the release of each component (build, cli, and operator).

The ideal timeline for the release is as follows:

1. Wednesday (2021-10-06) - review/approve outstanding pull requests in build.
2. Thursday (2021-10-07) - Tag release for v0.6.0 in build, vendor updates into cli and operator. Sync doc updates into the website repo.
3. Friday (2021-10-08) - Sascha Schwartze will draft a blog post on the website repo. Work begins to merge CLI pull requests (mainly around the ENV vars feature and release plumbing).
4. Monday (2021-10-11) - announce release of build, just in time for KubeCon NA!
5. Afterwards ("run at") - release operator and cli.


Adam Kaplan


Principal Software Engineer

Red Hat

100 E. Davie Street

adam.kaplan@redhat.com    T: 1-919-754-4843